Luke Temple

Luke was born on Halloween, 1988. There are some quite surprising things about him: When he was a child, Luke was rubbish at spelling, he didn’t enjoy reading and he found writing hard work. Yet today he’s an author and loves reading and writing. That doesn’t mean he now finds it all really easy – he doesn’t! Reading and writing are both still a big challenge for him. That just shows that anything is possible – even if you struggle with reading and writing, you can find a way to enjoy that challenge … and you might even become an author!

Luke is well on his way to establishing himself as one of the bright young talents of children’s literature.

– Shropshire Star

As a child, Luke also didn’t like standing up in front of lots of people. Yet today Luke’s favourite part of his job is doing school visits and being silly in front of thousands of children each year.

Luke started writing his first book when he was 19. 15 years later, Luke has written 15 books, which have been read in such faraway places as Spain, Switzerland, Germany, America, Greece, Nigeria, India and Australia, as well as by many children around the UK.

Luke Temple is a young author with a lot of talent. His books have inspired so many children to read.

– Waterstones